André "Bärchen" Lange

Born: 28. Juni 1973


André Lange


In 2010, I ended my sporting career after the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and I am currently working

as a coach in China.

Greatest successes

4 x Olympic gold 2002, 2 x 2006, 2010
8 x World Championship gold in 2-man and 4-man bobsleigh
8 x European Championship gold in 2-man and 4-man bob


I have never seen a wild animal feeling sorry for itself.

Your Oberhof

I feel very connected to Oberhof through my sports career.


What was your sporting career like?

1987 Started as a luger at the KJS Oberhof

1993 Change to bobsleighing until end of career

3 years as sports director at the Zweckverband Thüringer Wintersport (Thuringian Winter Sports Association)


What was the most emotional moment of your sporting career?

Fortunately, I had several emotional moments: the Olympic victories and many world championships.

What was the biggest sporting disappointment for you?

There was none.

What are your goals for the future?

I would like to celebrate successes as a coach with my athletes.

... because sport has a home here.
André Lange likes Oberhof

Avenue of Olympic & World Champions

in Oberhof 

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