Wolfgang "Hoppfried" Hoppe

Born: 14. November 1957


Wolfgang Hoppe


Last competition: WC in St. Moritz 1998At the moment I am a national coach in the area of young talent scouting and training in the Bobsleigh and Sledding Association for Germany e.V. (BSD).

Greatest successes

1984 Olympic gold in the 2-man and 4-man bobsleighs, Sarajevo
1988 Olympic silver in the 2-man and 4-man bobsleighs, Calgary
1992 Olympic silver in the 4-man bobsleighs, Albertville
1991 Olympic bronze in 4-man bobsleigh, Lillehammer

Multiple World, European, GDR and German Champion


Married to Steffi since 1976 
Children: Mandy and Philipp 
Grandchildren: Marvin, Leila, Mailo, Liam and Levin


Don't chase success, enjoy exercise and success will come naturally. Medals and championship honours are not always the measure, a healthy and fit body weighs more.

Your Oberhof

I have been connected with Oberhof for over 40 years of my life, it is a second home.


What was your sporting career like?

From footballer to track and field athlete to bobsleigh athlete.


Who are your role models?

All the bobsleigh athletes who have accompanied and influenced me over the years.

What was the most emotional moment of your sporting career?

The war in Yugoslavia and the destruction of the competition venue of our greatest success. The nomination as the first flag bearer of the reunited German Olympic team.

What was the biggest sporting disappointment for you?

The rejection of the application to postpone the competition times, which were negatively affected by the weather, to the 1988 Olympic Games in Calgary.

What are your goals for the future?

To enjoy a few more years with my family as a pensioner and to maintain existing and future friendships.

.. because Oberhof is the contrast to my love of the sea.
Wolfgang Hoppe likes Oberhof

Avenue of Olympic & World Champions

in Oberhof 

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