from an Oberhof travel guide
Hiking history(s)
How did people hike in Oberhof more than 100 years ago? In 1904, Dr. Curt Weidhaas, a visionary from Oberhof, wrote the first edition of the travel guide "Oberhof und Umgebungen" (Oberhof and its surroundings), published by Justus Perthes Verlag in Gotha. In it, he also comments on the terrain in the Oberhof mountain resort.
To be able to enjoy these climatic advantages to the fullest, the terrain, which is rarely favourable for such an altitude, comes in handy. The walking paths spread out radially on all sides of the resort, be it well-kept roads, secluded and easily accessible forest paths, in which rushing mountain streams, peaceful lakes and lush meadows bring plenty of variety. As numerous and comfortable as the flat walks at the same altitude as Oberhof are, they offer the spa guest in need of rest and relaxation the opportunity to move about in the open air with as little exertion and effort as possible, the paths leading down into the valleys and up to the heights offer the wanderlusting spa guest ample opportunity to steel his strength on mountain tours.
Heart patients can strengthen their heart and make it function better in a completely natural way by carefully dosing the work of the heart in the given terrain conditions1. I must warn against too much walking. Unfortunately, I have seen many a failure as a result of this and of overexertion, of which, of course, one is often not aware in the light walking ability in the high altitude climate. Even if it is difficult for the hiker to resist the many charms of the magnificent mountain nature, he must keep a moderate pace, even with a strong constitution, and allow his body plenty of rest, if he wants to have lasting beneficial success from his stay at the spa. Not least, this also depends on a plentiful and frequent intake of food, since the stimulating climate results in a high metabolic rate.
1) The >>Special and Terrain Map of Oberhof<<, edited by the author according to Prof. Dr. Ortel's principles, will be an excellent aid in selecting the paths according to their gradient. (Self-published, price 1.50 M., mounted).