Sports close up

Circular trail around Oberhof

Hero Image Decoration

Avenue of Olympic & World Champions Oberhof

Meet your Oberhof idols & role models. The circular route around Oberhof holds a lot of surprises and a lot of familiar faces on a length of about 7.1 km. Maybe one or the other is also live and in color on the avenue.


In November 2018, work began on turning the "Oberhof circular trail" into an "Avenue of Olympic and World Champions". For this purpose, information boards with the names of top athletes as well as additional information about their achievements were placed next to the trees planted by the athletes themselves.

This is to thank all deserving athletes who used to live and train in the town or still do today. They have carried the good name of Oberhof, the Rennsteig region and Thuringia out into the world.

In the years to come, many will find and discover the names of athletes they once rooted for and cheered for when looking at the trees and reading the information boards.Trees are considered natural witnesses of time over generations and are therefore ideally suited to link natural, urban and sports history with each other. The type and arrangement of trees as an avenue are deliberately chosen because they offer many advantages: In spring and summer they present themselves in rich green and provide shade. In autumn a colorful forest of leaves shines and in winter the snow can fall to earth unhindered.


The circular trail Oberhof

The Oberhof circular trail was built as a joint project of the town of Oberhof, the Zweckverband Thüringer Wintersportzentrum, Thüringen Forst, the Oberhof Volunteer Fire Department, the DRK Mountain Rescue Service Oberhof and numerous volunteers, citizens and businesses.

Johannes Ludwig, Allee der Olympiasieger und Weltmeister Oberhof, Rundweg

Routing in detail

All year round tour for Oberhof

The idea was to create a circular trail that hikers, skiers, mountain bikers, and those seeking rest and recreation could use together throughout the year. Numerous tree sponsorships - the first were launched in 2016 - flank the trail, which can also be used as Thuringia's first winter bike trail since the 2018/19 winter season.Discover the 7.1 km long Oberhof circular trail now!


Our athletes

Who all you will meet on the way.

Here you can search for our Olympic and World Champions 
according to the sports.

Our tip

Visit our sports stars personally at "their" places on the avenue of Olympic and world champions, around Oberhof. Around seven wonderful kilometers await you.


Avenue of Olympic & World Champions

at a glance

Once around Oberhof
You can actually start your hike anywhere in Oberhof. Around the town you will find numerous entrances to the avenue of Olympic and world champions. The path was partly newly created, partly it fits into the existing hiking routes. Again and again our avenue is extended and you will meet numerous sports stars in Oberhof. Maybe also here and there "in real".

Oberhof is a hiker's paradise and outdoor Eldorado. Numerous hikes and mountain bike routes invite you to explore and be active.

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